Whistleblower laws in the Trump administration discussed at ABA Labor and Employment Law Conference panel
November 11, 2016
Mark Hanna was a featured speaker at the American Bar Association 10th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference panel on advising clients involved in whistleblower investigations on November 11, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois.

The panel began with a discussion of the future of various whistleblower statutes - including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Dodd-Frank Act, the False Claims Act, and Securities and Exchange Commission whistleblower provisions - in the upcoming administration of President Trump, as well as a conversation about how possible statutory and regulatory changes will affect how lawyers should advise their clients.
Mark presented his paper, Crafting a Litigation Strategy for Employment Law Clients with Whistleblower Claims, cowritten with Ann Lugbill and Michelle Cassorla. Also on the panel were Arian June, Lynne Bernabei, and Daniel Hurson.